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Our Next Action

Our next action will be based on the employer’s continued violations of the law by committing unfair labor practices (ULP). Under an expired contract, every change to the terms and conditions of employment MUST be bargained with the union. Any unilateral changes are illegal, and we will file a charge with the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) when the employer violates our rights.

We need our membership to keep an eye out for any changes and alert the bargaining team.

The University of Michigan Regents seem to think that nurses can have better staffing or money, but not both. This is what it looks like when the employer sees us as a cost rather than an investment. Their main concern is that when nurses raise their voices, the University of Michigan might look bad. How insulting to both patients and nurses! Our patients deserve safe staffing, and our nurses deserve fair compensation.

We have seen movement on management’s side following our picket. It was announced in an email that management withdrew their proposal to limit incremental PTO. We informed management those limits were still in their proposal despite what Nancy May told our members. We received the correct proposal on Wednesday.

However, our fight is not over.

Many concessions remain in management’s proposals, here are a few:

  • Management has removed their commitment to progressive discipline.

  • NPs subject to “Medical By-Laws” which erodes their union protections

  • Removal of UMPNC decision making for representation in disputes

  • Removes ability to gain PTO for floating in lieu of float pay

On Wednesday, August 3, 2022, join your fellow nurses at 6:15 am at the Mott entrance to the hospital. We will welcome our colleagues in RED with cheers and applause. If Michigan Medicine won’t give nurses respect and recognize our hard work, we will support each other and stand strong to demand better!


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1925 Pauline Blvd, Suite C

Ann Arbor, MI 48103


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Affiliate of National Nurses United and AFL-CIO

Copyright 2021 | MI Nurses Association

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