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May 26- Bargaining Update

Nancy May, Chief Nurse Executive at University of Michigan Health System, issued a communication asserting that management has not proposed changes to CSR nurses in our contract. However, on May 12, 2022, we received a proposal for Article 20 Variable Activity where the employer proposed to remove the following from our contract:

“A core number of Central Resource and ACNRP Float Positions will be maintained based on variable needs. These employees will have completed unit-based competencies for their cluster.”

If we lose the contractual guarantee to maintain appropriate numbers of CSR nurses, more departments will face short staffing, exacerbating an already dire situation and increasing risk of harm to patients.

Floating, CSR, temporary reassignment, and multi-unit positions are all part of Article 20 Variable Activity. We made our proposal to end the expansion of limited dual-unit positions into the expansive pool of multi-unit positions that offer no float pay. We also proposed increasing the CSR differential to better recognize them as float RNs.

Our team developed a proposal with necessary improvements to Work Redesign which also includes transitions to the workplace and unit reconfiguration. Any changes would require a commitment to a fair process that includes a voice for impacted employees.

A comprehensive proposal for Nurse Practitioners, including a robust salary model with wages comparable to our PA colleagues, was also provided to management.

Our next action will be the delivery of our United We Bargain Petition to the U of M Regents! RSVP at to join us proudly wearing RED at the Regents Meeting on June 16, 2022.


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